PARTICULARS BYLAUGH PARK ESTATE The estate is intersected by the RIVER WENSUM for a length
of 51/2 miles and affords some LOT
at an upset of £17,500 with 736 acres completely enclosed on three sides by a park wall and diversified by pleasant undulations, matured park timber, extensive woods and woodland belts, massed banks of rhodendrons and swards of bracken, heather and gorse. Approach to the Mansion is by Three Carriage Drives, each with a Lodge and Carriage Gates at the entrances, and these drives wind through the expanse of the Park and thread the woods and massed rhododendrons until they converge on the plateau on which the mansion rests, and so through the balustraded forecourt to the entrance door. The Mansion architecturaly complete on each front erected from the designs of the late Sir Charles Barry in the style of the domestic Elizabethan Period with a central tower, is most compactly planned. It is entered through the ENTRANCE HALL with fireplace and with Cloak Room at one side, and it runs in two short flights of broad steps through two pairs of folding doors to THE SALOON the centre portion of which has a series of pilasters with Corinthian capitals supporting a heavy bracketted cornice from which the ribbed and glazed panel curved roof springs, the ends being filled in with finely modelled placques in alto-relievo, in white on gilt grounds, of "Peace and War". This Saloon has two fireplaces and is fully lighted by electricity; and around are grouprd the SPACIOUS AND LOFTY RECEPTION ROOMS THE DINING ROOM with deep panelled ceiling and bracketted cornice; an adjacent SERVING ROOM having fireplace, sink and hot plate. STUDY THE DRAWING ROOM a Handsome Appartment with a wide embayed window, 16ft by 7ft, looking to the South over the Terrace and the Sunk Garden to the Park beyond, the Wensum Valley, and the distant wooded landscape. THE BOUDOIR communicating by folding doors with the Drawing Room, enjoys the same South view. A casement door gives access to a broad flight of steps which leads from this room down to the Terrace Walk. THE LIBRARY with wide embayed South window and a West window also. This room is lined with bookshelves and cupboards under in oak. SMOKING ROOM with door leading to LAVATORY which has a fireplace and in which are a double basin lavatory with plated legs and fittings, a full length BATH with marble surround enclosed within a mahogany casing, whilst adjoining is a WC. THE BILLIARD ROOM also a good room, is retired along a short corridor off the Saloon, and is lighted by both West and North windows. These several reception rooms are appropriately fitted with marble mantels and basket and other grates. They have oak window frames and sashes, oak borders to floors and are fully lighted with electricity. ARCADED CONSERVATORY with tesselated pavement and slate shelving. This is heated by hot water and lighted by eletricity and terminates in a HANDSOME AND LOFTY WINTER GARDEN THE STAIRCASE HALL from off which is another fittee Lavatory and WC, is lighted by a two-mullion window with transom, and the WIDE STAIRCASE with open and gilded balusters of Tudor type, rises in
three easy flights to the Principal Bed Room Floor, the upper panels of the
walls of the Hall being fitted with Seascapes, in oil, by F J Sang. The Principal Bedrooms On the First Floor: THE UPPER HALL THE PRINCIPAL SUITE EIGHT BEDROOMS & FOUR DRESSING ROOMS On the Second Floor: EIGHT LARGE SECONDARY BEDROOMS There are also in the Servants'quarters, Thirty-nine Bed and Dressing Rooms and Four Fitted Baths
of which twelve are Principal Bed and dressing rooms, eight are Secondary
Bedrooms and the remainder the Servants' Accomodation. THE DOMESTIC OFFICES on a lower level have the great advantage of being both commodious and compact. The rooms are spacious and light, and include Kitchen, Scullery, Game , Meat and Pastry Larders, Dairy, Large servant's Hall, Housekeeper's Room, Butler's Pantry and Bedroom, Steward's room, Plate and Muniment Rooms, Valet's Room and Bedroom, Boot and Knife Rooms, Wine and beer Cellars, WC, etc. ELECTRIC LIGHT is connected to all parts of the House and Stabling. The plant comprises a 16hp oil driven Hornsby Engine, Switchboard and Dynamo by Thos. Parker, and Battery consisting of 54 cells. (approx 110 volts.) THE WATER SUPPLY is both excellent and plentiful. The drinking water is pumped from a deep well under the house, the domestic supply is driven by a water wheel near Elsing Mill to large storage tanks in the roof, from which it is laid on all over the house and premises. THE SYSTEM OF SANITATION has been examined every year and is at the present time believed to be perfect. The discharge is to settling chambers and thence into a dyke at a long remove from the house. SOIL THE STABLING is in character with the Mansion, no expense having been spared in its arrangement and fitting. It affords ample accomodation arranged around a spacious Stable Yard, and is lighted by electricity and ample water supply is laid on. THE CLOCK TOWER is a prominent feature. There are Five Stalls, Seven loose Boxes, Pony Stable for two, Sick Bay, Harness Room, Saddle Room, Three Double Coach-Houses and GARAGE FOR SIX CARS Covered Washing Yard, Store Shed, Liggage cart House, and above large Granary and Forage Lofts. The MEN'S ACCOMODATION comprises Mess Room and four Bedrooms. There is also a BLACKSMITH'S SHOP with Forge and two Shoeing Stalls. Brew House etc. THE CHAUFFEUR'S COTTAGE THE PLEASURE GARDENS are raised upon a Terrace and enclosed with dwarf open stone balustrading with piers at intervals terminating in ball finials and the dominent feature of these gardens is the natural beauty of the position commanding from the various fronts distant vistas and expanses of the beautifully timbered Park and countryside, with the River Wensum threading the valley between. ORNAMENTAL WOODS planted
with Cedars and other finely-grown Conifers, with banks of massed
Shrubberies, give shelter from the East and West. THE FORMAL GARDEN THE KITCHEN GARDEN is entered under a stone arch from the Broad Walk and has a 12ft wall pierced on two sides by arched gateways with iron grille gates. Beyond is the HERBACIOUS WALK THE PARK as may be seen from the photographs, is of undulating and extraordinarily attractive character, with mature Woodlands, and it contains a very sporting 12 HOLE GOLF COURSE and being almost entirely enclosed by a brick wall, will hold a very large head of game without damage to adjoining land. Near the Bawdeswell Lodge is the KEEPER'S COTTAGE of four rooms and a wash house, and range of Rearing Sheds and Small Stable. And there is another Cottage in the Park making a total of
THE ESTATE BRICK YARD Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 - Lot 140 Manor farm, Hoe. 466acres